Our Products
Inspire New Growth Trade by
Connecting counterparties reliably, efficiently and responsibly.
We have built a global business in pursuit of one basic task – making trade flow better. We approach it single-mindedly, bringing all our energy and resources to bear.
We source and deliver commodities according to precise customer specifications. We manage diverse risks and complex operational issues. We deploy market knowledge and industry expertise. Our trading teams have the agility, intellect and ambition to succeed in increasingly regulated markets.

Crude Oil
In the crude oil market, we use our global presence, market knowledge and logistics capabilities to balance supply and demand, optimise supply chains and service the needs of our customers around the world.
Gulf Petroleum Management team has strong technical capabilities. This, combined with our deep understanding of physical flows, allows us to respond rapidly to changing market dynamics and non-standard crude oil opportunities.

Exploration and Production
The Gulf Petroleum has venture with strategic industry partners in the supply of crude oil, trading investment platforms, exploration, development and production of Oil & Gas Platforms.
Currently Gulf Petroleum is intensively negotiations with Oil producing countries for the exploration, development and production of Oil & Gas.

Strategic Partnerships
Strong relationships are built on firm foundations.
Strategic alliances with carefully selected partners extend the scope of our activities. Financial partners invest alongside us. Industrial partners contribute valuable, complementary skills and resources.
We are making more progress alongside our partners. We are buying and building terminals, storage, and productive and processing capacity. We are integrating assets, boosting performance and realizing gains.